The boundless courage and faith of Stepahnie Nielson


I don't know why I thought about her this morning even though I first heard about her in 2009. Maybe my mind is searching for something positive after reading the news today.
I thought you might like to read about Stephanie Nielson's personal struggle after her plane crash. We take for granted so much of what we have. Reading her blog nie nie dialogues makes me want to thank God for the little cold I am down with now, among many other great things He has blessed me with. For Stephanie, just taking a shower is a struggle, yet she approaches her life with so much cheer, spirit and above all, love.
via wikipeida:
In 2008, Nielson was in a serious plane crash with her husband Christian and burned on 80% of her body.[4] She was in a coma for three months and then underwent multiple surgeries, skin grafts, and physical therapy in a painful, ongoing treatment regimen.