"Stuck" is my girl's survival word

Stuck on Daddy

At barely 22 months, her first sentence was :" mommy, this foot stuck" when I found a splinter in her sole. When she chokes or drinks down the wrong pipe.The numerous times she was caught between furniture or landed herself in a position where untangling herself required motor skills of more than a 2 year old. Whenever she is in a position where she perceives help is needed because after numerous tries, she was not going to resolve the situation on her own. Her survival verb is : "STUCK!". Every time she applies that word, attention is rendered immediately. She has learned to trust that word so much she is beginning to get really creative with it. Seconds ago, watching me work, with a soft but serious tone,  she said : "Mommy, poopy stuck". Yes, she is constipated. Time for recipes that wold unstuck her.